Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Anna Ayres--Knightstown High School Photos

Anna Ayres (1901-1982) graduated from Knightstown, Indiana High School in 1920. These three photos were taken of her class during their sophomore, junior, and senior years. Notice the desks, the chalkboards, the clothing, and the teachers. There are so many interesting details in these three photos.

In the top photo, Anna is pictured during her sophomore year. She is standing left of the window marked "1917." In the middle photo taken during her junior year, she is seated in the second row and is the second student from the left. She is looking directly at the camera. In the bottom photo taken during Anna's senior year, she is seated in the fourth row, and is the second student from the left. The photos were taken in 1917, 1918, and 1919. I do not have the names of the other students or the teachers. In the final photo, a World War One veteran stands next to the chalkboard.

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